Main Filming and Editing

 As of today, I have started filming multiple clips for my music video. I got most of the clips for my introduction of the video. I have to add a few more parts to the first half but for the most part I have it finished.  I started by filming the sunrise over my dock and through my yard. This gave a very nature like vibe and fit perfectly with the song. I then recorded some clips with my parents and brother. I got some clips of them hugging and other of them just casually interacting. My brother wasn't super cooperative but I finally got him to accept the fate and just do it. I was only able to get a few clips though because my parents were busy. I am hoping in the next couple of days I am able to get a few more with them and my brother. I need to also find some news paper articles either online or on paper to record, to use for a part of the song. I have some more ideas besides what I have previously stated that I might create and use in my videos but, I am not sure yet because I might just stick with the original plan. I have about half of the clips filmed, which means, I need about 30 seconds left of filming. I am planning on either finishing this today or tomorrow so that I will have enough time to edit. I'm hoping by the time I get to editing I will have plenty of video footage in order to complete it all at once. When I get down to editing I am going to upload all of my video clips and mend them all together. I will have to time up the visuals with the music so that it all makes sense. I will also have to make sure my video doesn't go over the minute mark so that I get full credit. I need to stick to my planned schedule in order to complete my project on time.


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