Story Board

 First Scene:

In the first scene, its going to be very nature esc and I am going to film flowers, grass, and the sunrise. I'm going to film pretty scenes that really give off the right vibe for the song and music video. 

Second Scene: 

I am going to show a news article or video clip of a study of the corona virus. Then, I'm going to show people sitting around looking sad and then I might end up going into another room or just a scenic clip.

Third Scene:

I am going to show my Mom and Dad and them going around hugging and shaking the hands of some of my family and friends. I may end up filming it where they aren't actually touching anyone to show how because of corona your not able to. 

Fourth Scene:

In the next scene I'm going to show old videos of people at concerts of at festivals giving the vibe of how we are missing that in our life right now.

Fifth Scene: 

Showing how there can be light after all of this dark we've had by showing people happy and all together.

Sixth Scene:

People coming back together after having to be social distanced and staying "six feet apart”.


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