My Pitch

My main pitch is a crime/action film about the robbery of a prized watch. In this film, there will be a robber who stalks the rich celebrity. The robber sneaks into his car and steals the watch when the man goes inside his house. This then becomes the search for the robber and the prized watch. Another pitch is a comedy film about siblings who messed up their dad and step-moms wedding. They let loose animals and enemies during the ceremony and it becomes a very funny movie. I am mainly interested in creating the first pitch which is about the watch robber. I think this would be a great action film and I have great ideas and plans in creating it. The second pitch about the wedding seems like a good idea too but I believe I could create a better intro for the first pitch. I like action films so it would be fun filming it and coming up with the story line. I also have all of the necessary props and setting for the watch robber so that alone makes it a cheaper and more accessible plan. For the intro I would use my dad for the rich celebrity who owns the watch and I would have him all dressed up. I would then have my brother come in as the robber and have him sneak into the car and steal the watch. If I was to go into further planning, I would have my mom be the investigator of the crime and help figure out who stole the watch. I would be the director and camera man of the whole film since I would use the rest of my family as actors. The intro scene for the watch robber pitch would be my dad driving up to my house and walking inside. I would then have my brother jump over a fence and run up to the car, break in, and take the watch out of the center console. He would then run away with the watch leaving the owner of the watch clueless until he goes back into the car and finds that his prized watch is missing. I am very excited for this project and I am hoping it turns out good.


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